Community Services
Offered Weekly at The Reseda Church of Christ
The Reseda Boulevard Church of Christ (RBCOC), is a faith based non-profit 501(c)3 with a community centric vision and mission. The RBCOC is “a church bringing L.I.F.E. to the world”. The acronym LIFE refers to the quality of life that saving faith in God produces, which bears four characteristics: L=Love for God resulting in service to humanity; I=Inspired personal and social development; F=Family life enrichment based on authentic relationships; E=Empowerment to lead an influential life.
The Reseda is committed to promoting these values through our Community Services:

Weekly Food Distribution Program
The REACH Mission of the Reseda Church in partnership with the Valley Food Bank distributes food weekly to more than 400 community residents. This program attracts volunteers from the church and community to form five distribution teams.

Senior Connection
Through Grant funding, the Reseda church provide our Seniors with free computers and access to social media. Disabled Seniors are empowered via technology to be virtual attendance in both the worship celebration and Cell Groups. Cell group participation is a vital component of Senior care.

Helping Hands For Seniors
Helping Hands is an activity-based ministry of Helps for seniors. Seniors learn and practice the art forms of knitting and crocheting as an avenue of connecting relationally and utilizing the products as a resource of senior care. Helping Hands is a community centric ministry that extends ministries of Help to residential care facilities for Seniors.

Life Groups: Senior Care
Life Groups are the fundamental member care ministry. Many Life Groups are hybrid in character consisting of both in-person and online participation. Hybrid groups are specifically designed for the convenient participation of Seniors. Seniors are provided with computers and technical support for the specific purpose of enabling them to stay relationally connected.

Sylvia’s Raw Diamonds
A residential recovery Program for broken and displaced women. Our program is a journey to rediscover a lifestyle of being whole in all aspects of life. The program collaborates in resources with therapeutic professionals who aide in bringing mental, emotional, and spiritual wholeness to women who have become disconnected through layers of brokenness: addictions, incarceration, physical and mental abuse.
Sylvia’s transformation Video

We will…
—Intercede for the needs of those who call in.
—Follow up with encouraging notes and emails.
—Pray “off-line” for our partners.
—Return calls for encouragement.
Ruth's Be Encouraged Ministry
At Reseda, we are committed to using the awesome Word of God and the unfathomable power of prayer to bring comfort, encouragement, healing, and victory to our members, community, and friends of our ministry. Whenever you’re facing a situation in your life and need a word of encouragement, or that you’d like someone to come alongside of you with prayer, know that we are here for you!